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“Your voice is the number one powerful tool that you have and you have to use it to speak up.” Maurisa Potts, Founder & CEO, Spotted MP, joins us for an open conversation about the importance of speaking up and some of the tools that can be used to combat most of the challenges that have come up due to the pandemic. Maurisa also touches on the significance of communication in mental fitness and how it has evolved in terms of mental fitness in her career.


Show notes:                                                                      

0:00 Intro
1:46 Maurisa talks about some of the challenges that women face at the beginning of their careers or maintaining a seasoned career, especially during the pandemic
4:43 Maurisa talks about being equal in terms of gender and why the glass ceiling that prevents most women to be in more C suite levels needs to be broken
6:25 Maurisa talks about some of the tools that can be used to combat most of the challenges that have come up due to the pandemic
11:35 Maurisa talks about mental fitness, what it means and the four things or pillars that comes to mind when she hears the term
16:02Maurisa talks about financial health and well being and why it is okay to talk about finance and the future and being in control
18:33 Maurisa shares her experiences with the different generations in the workforce, how they can better communicate, learn to understand each other and support each other having different outlooks
23:44 Maurisa talks about the importance of up skilling your staff and training them rather than judging them and calling them old
27:30 Maurisa talks about the significance of communication in mental fitness and how it has evolved in terms of mental fitness in her career
31:04 Maurisa talks about how she promotes other women who fear to speak up and express themselves because they fear being judged
33:34 Maurisa also talks about mental wellness and what it means when she hears the term in her own words
37:08 Maurisa talks about the importance of saying no sometimes to things that don’t sit right with you and how saying no to some things opens up other opportunities
38:38 Maurisa talks about the resources that help her prepare for adversity mentally and that helps her flex her mental fitness muscle
41:33 Maurisa also shares advice that she always gives to people


Shows Mentioned:
The Bureau of Labor Statistics is a unit of the United States Department of Labor. It is the principal fact-finding agency for the U.S. government in the broad field of labor economics and statistics and serves as a principal agency of the U.S. Federal Statistical System.

The National Center for Health Statistics is a principal agency of the U.S. Federal Statistical System, which provides statistical information to guide actions and policies to improve the public health of the American people.

Zoom is a videotelephony proprietary software program developed by Zoom Video Communications. The free plan provides a video chatting service that allows up to 100 concurrent participants, with a 40-minute time restriction. Users have the option to upgrade by subscribing to a paid plan.

Skype is a proprietary telecommunications application that specializes in providing video chat and voice calls between computers, tablets, mobile devices, the Xbox One console, and smart watches over the Internet. Skype also provides instant messaging services. Users may transmit text, video, audio and images.

The National Council on Aging was founded in 1950 as the first charitable organization in the U.S. that would provide a national voice for older Americans and act as their advocates in dealing with service providers and policymakers.

The New York Times is an American daily newspaper based in New York City with a worldwide readership. Founded in 1851, the Times has since won 130 Pulitzer Prizes, and has long been regarded within the industry as a national “newspaper of record”. It is ranked 18th in the world by circulation and 3rd in the U.S.

Boys & Girls Clubs of America is a national organization of local chapters which provide voluntary after-school programs for young people.


Quotes Mentioned:
“46% of women said they were experiencing symptoms related to depression or anxiety by the end of 2020.”
“Alcohol also interrupts your sleep.”
“One of the things we all have in common is that we’re going to get old.”
“You live and learn.”
“Everyone still has a lot more gas in the tank to give.”
“People like to make fun of other people.”
“Our voice is so powerful and we have to use it to the best of our ability to communicate whatever we need to say.”
“Even if it’s difficult things, you have to communicate.”
“It’s important to understand where people are coming from or what their viewpoints are and sometimes they’ll agree to disagree.”
“Your voice is the number one powerful tool that you have and you have to use it to speak up.”
“Sometimes your voice will not be the favored one, but you have to stay true to whatever you believe in and stand your ground.”
“It’s okay to be the only one at a table and eat alone sometimes.”
“People don’t get what they want because they don’t ask for what they want.”
“If it doesn’t create fire in your belly, it doesn’t sit in your heart, or it causes that anxiety and stress and depression where you just get so anxious because you have to do this thing and really don’t care for it, say no.”
“Continue to work on feeding your present brain and sun-setting your worry brain.”


Guests Social Media Links:
Personal Website
Company Website