Her Journey Channel


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Erin Washington shares with us her incredible story of discovering her best self mentally and physically once she changed her definition of healthy. In this episode, Erin shares how she went through this process and found her purpose in sharing her journey with others.

Guests Social Media Links:

Website: https://www.squatsandmargaritas.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/erin-washington-627a608/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/squatsandmargaritas/?hl=en

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Squats-and-Margaritas-312195776310189/

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0:00 Intro

1:57 Erin talks about what the term healthy means to her now as opposed to when she was young

4:25 Erin talks about her book and what it is all about and some of the reasons that made her write that book

10:17 Erin talks about some of the things that got her through when she was going through dark times

12:33 Erin talks about why she hid from people that she had an eating disorder and the impact it had on her life

16:01 Erin talks about the importance of sharing your secrets with other people that you feel might be shameful

19:34 Erin also talks about the importance of asking yourself if you are being true to yourself doing what you are doing

24:04 Erin talks about why you should do what makes you happy and not be bothered by what other people say

25:44 Erin talks about her brand Squats and Margaritas, how she came up with it and what’s its purpose is

33:10 Erin talks about why people need to focus on what’s working for them instead of what’s not working for them

37:05 Erin shares her thoughts on why people should have people to listen to them and guide them through like a therapist

40:25 Erin explains why people need to be real especially when it comes to the social media and the impact it will have on other people